You may not realize it, but most of your clothing is probably plastic. Here's why you should change that.

Why it Matters
While most people are starting to understand that plastics in our body and environment are bad, most still don’t realize where they come from. Many take steps to limit plastics in food, drinks, and waste. However, most still miss one of the biggest plastic exposures in your life: your clothes.
We're here to educate people about the problems with synthetic clothing, and provide quality, CLEAN clothing you can trust.

Wait, my clothes are plastic?
Yep, they just changed the name. You might know it as polyester, rayon, acrylic, or spandex, but it’s all versions of the same thing: plastic. Plastic fibers are cheap and durable to mass-produce, and now account for the majority of ALL clothing sold.

And it's everywhere.
When you buy plastic clothes, that plastic doesn’t just stay in the clothing. From the very first time you put them on, they’re shedding massive numbers of invisible fibers (microplastics), as it slowly breaks down. These get into water in massive numbers when you wash your clothes, as well as the air, and your body.
Fast Facts
30% of household dust is microplastics from fabrics. This inevitably ends up in our lungs and body.
Studies have shown that polyester fabric clothing is linked to sperm count drop and fertility problems in men and women.
Microplastics in your body can cause massive hormone disruption, disease, and even cancer.
A recent study showed that sweat can leach chemicals from microplastics onto our skin, which is constantly taking in and giving off body chemicals.

Natural Fibers are the Answer
The solution is simple: the fabrics and fibers we’ve had for thousands of years: cotton, linen, wool, and more. These fibers weren’t abandoned because they didn’t work, only by a race to the bottom in clothing and fast fashion. Plus, modern ways of weaving and sewing have made them even more effective and accessible.

Join Us
It’s well past time for people to start taking ownership of what they’re consuming. Join us on our mission of making it possible for people.